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Als Antwort auf zeitverschreib [friendica]

It's clearly a false positive, which is something anyone using antivirus apps should be aware of since it's very common.

Antivirus software attempting to detect malware based on signatures of widespread past malware is an inherently faulty approach which is not capable of detecting most malware and causes issues like this.

Please report false positives in antivirus apps to the antivirus developers rather than us. Nothing we can do about AV software inherently being problematic.

Als Antwort auf zeitverschreib [friendica]

contains product/priv-app/Dialer/Dialer.apk
with hashes:
- 91fd4285a2c11a747012fe35858ba844
- 32c0a6327f7e25434b11dfcd73f493ad4950852c
- d239c9788f2d8d010a90ac76df13b72c4f4a3b92283da5c3d3c97b4ac62c0bd8

neither is actually contain in the database
this is a false positive caused by the probalistic nature of bloom filters

additionally the file in question has 0 detections on VirusTotal: