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I've been playing around with #Joplin on different machines for the last few days. 2x Linux Mint, 1x Android.

Syncing via local filesystem -> NAS works fine for the notes themselves, BUT no attachments/resources make it from one machine to the others.

I already searched for this issue on Github. Several other people reported the same problem, but there seems to be no reliable solution.

Is this still a general problem with this app?


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zeitverschreib [friendica]

@Andreas Kilgus

I tried it with a jpg from both Linux machines, it never works.

Also all images from webclipped notes are missing on the "other" Linux and also on Android.

Judging from your profile, I guess your not using MacOS or Windows.


Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

zeitverschreib [friendica]

@Andreas Kilgus

Thanks for trying and posting the result, though.
