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Uhhh, I have a strange request. If you own a bread knife with a flat-sided handle in your kitchen, and calipers or something else that will measure to the nearest millimetre or so, and want something to do for 30 seconds, could you tell me how thick the handle is?

Yes, I'd like to collect some random samples of bread knife handle widths. Doesn't matter what brand, what it looks like, how long the blade is or where in the world you are.

I will explain later. Boosts appreciated.


teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf Tristan

@tristan they run down super fast because they basically don't turn off anything but the screen, so as to maintain their current zero. I got tired of this and forcibly de-power mine between uses. Battery lasts forever now
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (5 Tage her)
Als Antwort auf Tim 🎮

You asked!

I'm going to give you three measurements because this is an unusual bread knife -- not only is it more like a coping saw for bread, it's left-handed. However, the blade is serrated, and I use it to slice bread, so I believe it fits your criteria.

Als Antwort auf Tim 🎮

Strange nerdy Fedi requests? Sign me up!

We have two bread knives. The main, larger, one has a handle 18.4mm thick.

The secondary one, mostly used for rolls, baguette etc, has a handle 12.7mm thick.

Please do keep us abreast of your research 🧐

Als Antwort auf Tim 🎮

only on fedi would you find people with both bread knives and calipers