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Due to @mozillaofficial 's change on #Firefox, I'm trying @brave and probably phasing out from Firefox.
I'm also looking for a @thunderbird replacement as well, open for suggestions!
Als Antwort auf gprimola$

We won't be adopting the Firefox Terms of Use for Thunderbird. Even though you may switch away from us regardless, we wanted you to have the right information, and hope this helps!

teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

I switched to LibreWolf but kept Thunderbird as they're managed by a different team who haven't put AI into our beloved email client... @thunderbird yet?
Als Antwort auf Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

@thelinuxEXP - regarding your worries and "not wanting to have anything to do with Mozilla" - Thunderbird and Firefox teams are completly different and separate entities
Als Antwort auf Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Just leave Mozilla already.

Thunderbird being owned by Mozilla is just tainting it.

You are a corporation, just go on your own.

Als Antwort auf Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

if I make a donation on your web page, does the sum goes entirely and directly to you guys?