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Als Antwort auf Hiker

@Hiker Na ja, die Mehrzahl ist "auf Mastodon". Aber eben nicht alle. Du jetzt gerade nicht und ich auch nicht.

Warum ist das so schwierig zu verstehen?

Weil geschätzte 50% aller Mastodon-Nutzer "wissen", daß das Fediverse nur Mastodon ist. Und die Newbies, die gerade frisch von 𝕏 rübergekommen sind, "wissen" das annähernd alle.

Und so benutzen sie "Mastodon" und "Fediverse" synonym und behaupten, alle, denen sie begegnen, seien auch "auf Mastodon".

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #LangerPost #CWLangerPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #NichtNurMastodon

Als Antwort auf Jupiter Rowland

@jupiter_rowland Die kamen ja nicht erst kürzlich - in all den Twitter-Wellen kamen über Jahre Leute rüber (keine Ahnung mehr, wann die erste war. Vielleicht dann, als dort Herzen durch Sterne ersetzt wurden). Und seit den Jahren nichts dazu gelernt?
Ich bitte dich.
Als Antwort auf Hiker

@Hiker Guck dir die Threads über die Bluesky-Bridge oder über die Föderation mit Threads an. Randvoll mit Leuten, die von ihrem Verhalten her ganz klar den Unterschied zwischen "Mastodon" und "Fediverse" nicht kennen. Und nicht wenige von denen sind schon seit Herbst 2022 dabei.

Ich meine sogar, mich erinnern zu können, erst dieses Jahr gesehen zu haben, wie jemand, der nach Mastodon gekommen war kurz nach der Twitter-Übernahme, total erstaunt darüber war, daß das Fediverse nicht nur Mastodon ist.

Es gibt also tatsächlich Leute, die am 30. Oktober 2022 oder kurze Zeit später von Twitter nach Mastodon gekommen sind und bis heute nicht gemerkt haben, daß das Fediverse mehr ist als nur Mastodon. Das liegt teilweise auch daran, daß sie in einer reinen Mastodon-Blase leben. Folgen hunderten Leuten und Institutionen, alle nur auf Mastodon, und die boosten auch nur Mastodon-Zeug.

Und dann gibt's die, die vielleicht mal davon gehört haben, daß es auch noch was anderes gibt, aber es wieder vergessen zu haben scheinen.

Als Antwort auf Jupiter Rowland

Und eben darum muss man es halt immer mal wieder sagen, dass das Netzwerk das #Fediverse und Mastdon nur eine Variante ist, in diesem Netzwerk dabei zu sein.
Als Antwort auf Hiker

@jupiter_rowland why does it? When the fediverse effectively is Mastodon. It makes up 70% of the software and about the same if not more in total users
Als Antwort auf damon


Because those are the wrong words. Or is the Internet just Google to you, or is e-mail just Outlook? No, that's wrong. The network is called #Fediverse and one of the platforms in #Fediverse is Mastdon, among many others.


Als Antwort auf Hiker

@jupiter_rowland I know that. That’s not the point went Mastodon holds more power, it dominates in software used and dominates in the amount of users. So for any person not plugged into the Fediverse statistically it makes sense to call Mastodon the Fediverse. I’m not stating that I agree with this, just saying that based on the numbers it’s more logical than not. Also, your point is moot as not all decentralised social protocols and platforms considered part of the Fediverse so that kills your google to internet starment
Als Antwort auf damon

So for any person not plugged into the Fediverse statistically it makes sense to call Mastodon the Fediverse.

You are always "plugged into the #Fediverse" when you are on a Mastodon instance.

I’m not stating that I agree with this, just saying that based on the numbers it’s more logical than not

But this supposed logic is wrong.

I don't understand the last point. It's not “about all protocols”, the Fediverse is mainly defined by the ActivityPub protocol - with a few additions.


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Als Antwort auf Hiker

@jupiter_rowland if you think that’s the case then it’s you that don’t know about the Fediverse and just as guilty as the mastodon people you are pointing fingers at. The term was coined well before ActivityPub. When I’m saying “plugged in” I’m speaking of those that actually know what’s going on or take the time to learn.
Als Antwort auf damon

After 9 years as an admin and even longer as a user in #Fediverse and you tell me I don't understand?

I think we'll stop here, I don't need to be told such things.

Als Antwort auf damon

@damon It doesn't help that Mastodon itself is largely a bubble.

Some 70% of all Fediverse users are on Mastodon. But it seems like that within Mastodon itself, at least 95% of all posts originate from Mastodon. Maybe even more.

There are several reasons for this.

First of all, other projects don't federate with Mastodon that much.

Misskey is huge in East Asia, especially Japan. And Japanese Misskey users who hardly know English or not at all won't be interested in connecting with Western Mastodon users, so a large chunk of the second-biggest free project in the Fediverse is out of the equation.

Lemmy is the third-biggest, but Lemmy federates with Mastodon only barely so, also because Lemmy is all about discussion groups and enclosed conversations, both of which Mastodon simply doesn't support. Lemmy users can't follow Mastodon users because Lemmy users can't follow users, full stop. And Mastodon users have to wrap their minds around how to federate with Lemmy. It isn't as straight-forward as communication within Mastodon. And so they simply don't.

Other examples include Hubzilla and (streams) channels having ActivityPub off on purpose to keep ignorant and obnoxious Mastodon users out.

But this goes the other way as well. Mastodon can be outright hostile to non-Mastodon users. Why? Because they don't behave like what Mastodon users are used to from Mastodon and, by extent, partly also Twitter. And they have joined the Fediverse in expectation of something that's one big distributed but homogenous Twitter clone. Anything that deviates from that may be disturbing.

There are Mastodon users who, upon seeing a post with over 500 characters, and be it in the federated timeline, block the poster. This alone cuts into the reach of everything that isn't Mastodon. Not few wish for a switch with which they can permanently filter out all posts with over 500 characters.

Others may block everyone who uses text formatting. Either it simply goes on their nerves. Or they can't imagine that it's even possible to format text in the Fediverse because they can't do that on Mastodon, so they think it's all some Unicode trickery. And as this Unicode trickery is not accessible and inclusive because it irritates screen readers, they deem whoever uses text formatting ableist and therefore blockworthy.

Then there's the issue of content warnings. They must be provided the Mastodon way, or you risk being blocked. However, not everything out there provides a) the right text field with b) the right label on it. Non-Mastodon projects may still label the summary field a summary field instead of a CW field like Mastodon does.

Friendica, for example, has done away with that text field entirely and users BBcode tags instead. Hubzilla doesn't provide any means of adding a summary/a Mastodon CW to a reply. And both have had their own way of adding CWs since long before there was Mastodon which their own users consider vastly superior to Mastodon's way.

In general, boosts are very important on Mastodon. I'd say that most activity on Mastodon is boosts because they're so easy to do on a phone without a hardware keyboard. Your reach on Mastodon depends on boosts.

But if you don't play exactly along Mastodon's written and unwritten rules, and if you don't adhere to the "Fediquette" which is entirely defined by only Mastodon users and geared towards only Mastodon's features (or lack thereof), you're boosted far less.

If you post more than 500 characters at once, it takes a lot for your post to get boosted.

If you post an image without alt-text, the post will be boosted dramatically less because not exactly few Mastodon users refuse to boost image posts without alt-text. You may even be muted or blocked for not providing alt-text. But alt-text only is a thing on Mastodon, and hardly anyone provides it outside Mastodon.

In general, anything that deviates from the standards defined by vanilla Mastodon will cut into your visibility on Mastodon deeply.

CC: @Hiker

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #NotOnlyMastodon #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #CW #CWs #CWMeta #ContentWarning #ContentWarnings #ContentWarningMeta #Fediquette

Als Antwort auf Jupiter Rowland


Thank you for your very clear summary.
There is no clearer way to show that Mastodon is also just a bubble (and a very limiting one) in the #Fediverse. “Mastodon” is really not a synonym for "Fediverse".
This bubble behavior is also shown by the fact that Mastdon does not even display the original platform of a post.


[Sent from a #Pleroma instance]

Als Antwort auf Hiker

@jupiter_rowland @damon I also noticed that people often were not aware that it won't matter which Mastodon instance they'd be on. They'd choose it for a special topic like for a dedicated phpBB forum. The whole federation concept is misunderstood. The history that led us to this mess is really tragic. I wish that years ago the concepts of Zot and pump.io did take off together. So that not this Mastodon silo would've remained as quasi standard.
Als Antwort auf morph

True words. There have always been people who have drawn attention to the real facts of the #Fediverse. But they were not taken seriously or were defamed or insulted as nerds or envious or whatever.
@jupiter_rowland @damon
Als Antwort auf Hiker

@jupiter_rowland I’m not on a mastodon instance I can see that you’re using Pleroma
Als Antwort auf damon

@damon Yes, only Mastodon hides this and lets the users think that Mastodon alone is the network. But that is wrong.
Als Antwort auf Hiker

Mir persönlich als hiesige Userin ist der Begriff Metaverse schon immer zutiefst unsympathisch und ich mag deshalb auch das bewusst gegensätzliche Fediverse als Vokabel nicht so gerne. Aber das ist nicht logisch, sondern - sorry - nur irrational und gefühlt.

Und Du wirst außerdem "die Leute" nie zu einem Begriffsgebrauch zwingen können, wenn ich Dir das als erfahrene Werbefrau sagen darf.

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Als Antwort auf Us©hi in Aachen

Inhaltswarnung: Rant

Als Antwort auf Hiker

Inhaltswarnung: Rant

Als Antwort auf Hiker

Und noch was: "Man sagt Fediverse" ist natürlich eigentlich keine hilfreiche inhaltliche Info, sondern eher eine formelle Korrektur.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
Als Antwort auf Hiker

Der Vergleich hinkt, aber egal - ich verstehe Deinen Punkt. Du meinen aber vielleicht auch.
Als Antwort auf Hiker

Ich bin auf #Mastodon, Teil des #Fediverse, von dem ich sonst nichts nutze.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)