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Just a thought: If a president violated the Espionage Act, all of his Supreme Court picks should automatically be removed and replaced.
Als Antwort auf Andrea Junker :verified:

it should be THE LAW. In fact his entire presidency should be invalidated period.
Als Antwort auf Vee


make that possible and Republicans will take it and go after Obama…

You can’t piecemeal conservatives and the right-wing… the only solution is to make them impotent. But that goes against every principle of liberal representative democracy.

So, what’s that mean?

Als Antwort auf Fred Edwards 🔻

@fedwards9965 Sorry but since when is Obama a felon? He didn't violate any law that I know of. Repubs have been trying to impeach Biden etc etc so it's not like they're waiting for the Dems to do anything legislatively speaking to go after people.
Als Antwort auf Fred

@505fred @fedwards9965 No he's not. You think they would've let something like that slide?
Als Antwort auf Vee

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Als Antwort auf Fred

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